What to Expect

Where do I park?

At the end of the entrance driveway we have a parking lot. There is also parking available at Jamaica Park, next door to the West of the church. There is an open gate and sidewalk from park to church.

What’s a service like?

Our services use a Lutheran liturgical format including hymns, prayers, Bible readings, a sermon and communion. We project the service on a screen at the front of the church which will guide you through the service.

What’s the music like?

We have a wide variety of high-quality music with organ or piano accompanied services. We use the music from the hymnal and praise music for congregational singing which can be contemporary or hundreds of years old.

How do people dress?

It runs the gamut from dressy to very casual. Business casual is probably most typical.

What about my kids?

We love having children in worship with us. Children ages 3-12 can attend our Godly Play ministry which runs concurrently with worship service on most Sundays September through May.  On the first Sunday of each month, we do not have Godly Play to enable families to worship together.

Can I take communion?

We invite all people of God to the Lord’s table as Jesus comes to us with the gift of forgiveness. Gluten-free wafers are available, just let Pastor know. The wine may be received by chalice, intinction (dipping the bread into the chalice) or by individual glasses taken from the trays in the front.  White grape juice is also available in the trays and when we use a chalice for intinction.  Children who have not received communion instruction will receive a blessing. A request for blessing is indicated by crossing your arms over your chest.

How can I get connected?

Complete our visitor form located on the table and/or ask the usher for one. Let us know if you want to be put on our monthly newsletter email list. We have many activities for all ages and interests.

How do I get to Holy Cross?

We are the church that offers the
Live Nativity every Christmas
for our community!!

We are located at 4895 S. McCarran Blvd, Reno, NV.

The cross streets are: Airway Dr. to the East and Neil Road to the West.

We share our entrance from S. McCarran with Public Storage and Silver Sage Senior Residence.