
The Adult Choir provides music for most Sunday 9:00 am worship services, fall-through-spring. Choir rehearsal is scheduled at 8:00 am on Sunday morning. Individuals or groups may sign up on a weekly basis to provide special music during the summer. Additional voices are welcome!

The Praise Worship service offers contemporary music with guitar.



The usher team at our church fills an important role. They are involved in greeting visitors, welcoming all, directing attendees to their seats, ensuring the safety of the building during services, guiding traffic, helping visitors, answering questions, providing direction, unlocking doors, locking doors, and generally ensuring that the service can proceed problem-free. The usher team is a servant-hearted group of men and women whose ministry is integral to church life. 


Worship Assistants

 Lectors are a vital part of our worship service.  Lectors read the scriptures from the old and new testaments that enhance the Gospel reading and sermon.  The readers are assigned ahead of time and receive the scriptures the week before the service.

 Communion Assistants help with the distribution of communion elements during service.

Altar Guild is responsible for setting up communion, refilling the oil candles, changing the paraments, clearing up after services, and ensuring communion supplies are on hand. 

Service/Outreach/Fellowship Team

This active committee organizes service and outreach projects that support others locally, nationally, and abroad.

 This committee also hosts fellowship opportunities that take place at Holy Cross. If you enjoy serving others and event planning, then we welcome your involvement. 


Shared Harvest

Shared Harvest is an outreach program of our congregation and other Lutheran congregations in the Truckee Meadows. Donated items are collected each month and then bagged at various local churches for distribution. Requested food items and other non-perishables are listed in the newsletter and bulletin. Shared Harvest is always looking for volunteers to help pack and distribute donations on a monthly basis. 

Lutheran World Relief

Lutheran World Relief offers projects that focus on the root causes of poverty. Holy Cross supports LWR monetarily and by donating good and materials throughout the year to different causes. If you would like to learn more about LWR or give to this worthy organization, please click on this link:

If you would like to assist in any of the above, please contact us for more information!