In baptism we are promised that God has freed us from sin and death by joining us to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are born children of a fallen humanity; by water and the Holy Spirit we are reborn children of God and made members of the church, the body of Christ.  Baptism is not a means of salvation; rather it is a beautiful image of our union with Christ and a constant reminder that God has promised to love us always, and that nothing can separate us from this love. 

If you wish to speak to the Pastor about baptism for yourself or a loved one, please contact us if you have questions or simply submit the Baptism_Request_Form to









Holy Communion, also called the Eucharist, we recall the saving acts of God through Word, bread and wine, and are connected with Christ and with Christians of all times and places. In this sacrament we are fed with the Body and Blood of Christ. Holy Cross celebrates communion during all of its worship services and all are welcome to share this meal at the Lord’s table. 

What is Holy Communion?

Holy Communion is a sacred meal in which Christ comes to us in bread and wine. “This is my body given for you… This is my blood shed for you.” We believe those words to be true. Christ is truly present in Holy Communion. When we receive the bread and wine of this meal, we receive his body and blood.

What happens in Holy Communion?

Christ comes to us in, with and under the bread and wine to nourish the faith of Christians and the church. We share in a sacred meal that spans all time and space.

We commune with the saints who have gone before us and with other Christians around the globe who gather at our Lord’s table. The uncontainable presence, grace, love, forgiveness and mercy of Christ come to us in simple bread and wine.

Who receives Holy Communion?

All of God’s people are welcome to our Lord’s table — it’s our Lord’s table, after all, and all are invited. Let’s be clear — it is not “my” table, or “our” table or a “Lutheran” table. It is our Lord’s table, and he sends out the invitations — to everyone under the sun.

The norm is for baptized Christians to receive the sacrament, as this is a Christian sacrament that nourishes and strengthens faith in Christ. And it is the norm for Christians to receive instruction prior to first receiving the sacrament and to continue to reflect on and learn about the sacrament throughout their Christian life. 

There is no minimum age for receiving this sacrament.  In general when children express an interest in receiving the sacrament and they are able to sit through and participate in the worship service they maybe ready for first-communion.  This conversation happens with Pastor, the parents/guardians, and the child.